Dr. Anthony Tricoli presents Cole Auditorium
Manager Jennifer Jenkins a Gold Star Award.
by Roger Barnes
Cole Auditorium Manager Jennifer Jenkins had no idea why Georgia Perimeter College President Dr. Anthony Tricoli called her to the podium during the 2008 Fall Convocation on Aug. 11.
“I thought something was wrong with the microphone,” said Jenkins who has been involved in GPC productions and theater since she was a student here 36 years ago. Tricoli asked Jenkins to just stand on the stage as he reached behind a curtain and presented her with the Gold Star Award for “her dedicated service above and beyond.”
“Calling me out there was just a ploy because I was working,” said Jenkins who ascended the stage from her behind-the-scenes booth where she was directing the convocation program. “I was pleasantly surprised.”
For the other “star” faculty and staff members who received awards, this year’s convocation took on the aura of a Hollywood awards ceremony, including all the suspense of naming a small group of finalists before announcing the big winner.
“We thought we’d also recognize the nominees so that the winners would know they were in great company,” said Dr. Pamela Moolenaar-Wirsiy, director for GPC’s Center for Teaching and Learning and a convocation presenter. But the biggest change was that the 2008 awards were restructured to honor employees who are best contributing to helping the college meet its new goals and vision.
“The awards parallel our strategic mission, vision and goals,” Tricoli said. “That means we’re recognizing faculty and staff who have transformed the lives of our students to thrive in a global society and have strengthened student success. This year we honor our co-workers who have enhanced the cultural vitality of our communities and continue to support our core values which include trust, excellence, integrity, passion, efficiency and diversity.”
Meanwhile, the Cole Fellow award, created after former president Dr. Marvin Cole retired in 1994, remained a highlight of convocation. The Cole Fellow recognizes a faculty member’s exceptional commitment to teaching, academic achievement and service to the college.
This year’s Cole Fellow went to Brenda Cherry, assistant department chair of Nursing.

Nursing faculty member Brenda Cherry, center,
was named the 2008 Cole Fellow by
Dr. Virginia Michelich, vice president
for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Anthony Tricoli.
“She teaches her students to help fellow students, which is the example she sets every day,” said Dr. Virginia Michelich, vice president of Academic and Student Affairs, in announcing Cherry. “Her colleagues say she epitomizes her profession, keeping abreast of current knowledge, practice and education standards.”
Michelich also told the story of how Cherry helped a student who was one course short for graduation come up with a schedule that allowed the student to receive a diploma this summer and still sit for the national licensure exam all nurses must take and pass.
“She instilled the confidence in this student that she could and would be successful and fulfill her dream of becoming a registered nurse,” Michelich said.
The day of the exam, Cherry was on vacation, but arrived in the office with cupcakes in hand. “I had to be here when my students take their exam to show my support and then to celebrate with them,” Cherry explained to her nursing colleagues.

Magaret Major
In line with the new strategic plan, other awards presented included the GPC Mission Award which went to Margaret Major, associate professor of biology. The mission award recognizes the GPC employee who best exemplifies the mission of the college to transform the lives of students.
Teaching Excellence Awards went to Margo Eden-Camann, associate professor of humanities, and Calandra Davis, associate professor of mathematics. This award honors excellence in teaching, the foundation of student success.
The Teamwork Champions Award went to the Presidential Inauguration Committee chaired by Tina Philpot from the business department. This award recognizes the group that best demonstrates teamwork in accomplishing the mission, vision and goals of the college. The committee members included Rick Bertaccini, Anthony Bush, Steve Blutstein, Coletta Carter, Fred Cuspard, Garrett DeHart, Chip Howard, Dr. Paul Hudson, Beverly James, Rosemary Jean-Louis, Jennifer Jenkins, Kathy Jordan, Patrice Masterson, Susan McKinnon, Lora Mirza, Dr. Jean Mistretta, Barbara Obrentz, Martin Okafor, Glenn Pfeifer, Rhonda Powell, Barbara Price, Bill Roa, Glenn Sierko, Dr. Louise Strange de Soria, Garry Tuttle and Julius Whitaker.
Customer Service Excellence Awards went to Greg Faulker, low voltage technician, and Ellie Ross, administrative secretary. This award recognizes employees who render excellent customer service to students, community partners and fellow employees.
The GPC Collegiality Award honors exceptional collaboration with colleagues. This award went to Andrea Hendricks, associate professor of math.
The Internationalizing the College Award acknowledges outstanding efforts to infuse international knowledge and understanding into the curriculum. Eric Kendrick, assistant professor of ESL, received this honor.
The Civic Engagement Award, recognizing a GPC employee who has worked at strengthening the college’s relationship with the community, went to Ellen Sweatt, associate professor of business.
Awards for Outstanding Dedicated Service to GPC and All Constituents went to Frank Nash, dean of Student Services and interim director for GPC’s Alpharetta Center, and to Lisa Fowler, assistant vice president of Enrollment Management and Student Success.